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Lady macbeth                 in development​



Our artistic director, Grania Pickard, will adapt and direct ‘Lady Macbeth’ an aerial adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth, using Oddly Moving's unique approach of melding text with circus skills. 


Performers working in the air on ropes will bring to life the physical risk, danger and gravity-defying magic contained in Shakespeare’s famous story.  We are looking at the play through an intersectional feminist lens and making big changes - Lady Macbeth survives Macbeth and has a daughter from her first marriage. 


Grania has been researching how to effectively combine aerial and Shakespeare since 2018, inspired by a 'Voicing Shakespeare' workshop with Michael Corbdige, this led to:

* Aerial & text exploration with Michael over a number of sessions

* 2019 - An aerial version of Ophelia’s madness scene from Hamlet (Act 4, Sc 5) as part of Bristol Shakespeare’s festival

* 2019 - Launch Pad residency with The Invisible Circus working with different Shakespeare speeches & aerial and inviting local artists to take part

* 2021 - As an Associate Artist at Proteus Theatre, a week working with & filming Lady Macbeth’s letter scene on aerial sling.

* 2021 - A collaboration with Parkey Abeyratne under the name @aerial.lines; 6 days researching Macbeth with Michael Corbidge (text) and Joel Daniel (movement) and invited aerial artists.  Plus a series of workshops for actors and circus performers (over 8 days, plus 6 zoom sessions). Supported by Arts Council England.

* 2023 - 24 DYCP funding to support Grania's development as an actor and director (having retired from aerial), with a focus on working with Shakespeare and researching an adaptation of Macbeth, including working with Christine Schmidle, Laurence Boswell and shadowing Simon Trinder and Kate Webster.


​R&D will take place in 2025, followed by creation, premiere and tour in 2026.


Instagram: @oddly_moving  â€‹



Ben Spiller - 1623 Theatre, Bristol Circus City Festival, ArtspaceLifespace Bristol, Worthing Theatres​


PRODUCED BY: Emma Hill @emmahillwrites

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